Home Watercolor tattoos

Watercolor tattoos

One of the most colorful unusual and beautiful tattoo styles – is Watercolor tattoo. You can find a lot of them on our website. But after you see even one of watercolors you will feel the fresh breath of inspiration.

Aquarelle style is easily recognizable among others. As it is clear from the name of the style, artists imitate drawings made with aquarelle paints. Those, by the way, have in their structure a lot of water so aquarelle drawings often have paint drips. The same effect tattoo artists try to recreate in this style, which makes it recognizable.
Another distinct feature of aquarelle tattoo style is the amount of different colors used. So, simple drawing that is in its essence realistic becomes flowed with the magic of color. Such a wide palette of colors in tattoo art became popular only in modern times with the technology development. It takes a lot of effort and time to make splendid watercolor aquarelle tattoo.

The plot of aquarelle tattoo has a wide range: from flowers and animals to different kinds of weird unusual objects. But they all are bright and mostly provide their owners with a good mood.
Aquarelle tattoo style is remarkable and became popular not so long ago taking into consideration that tattoo art has centuries of history.

Watercolor painting on Wikipedia
