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Andres Acosta

Andres Acosta
Website: www.acostattoo.com
Country: United States
Tel: (512)971.1152
Email: [email protected]
16815 Royal Crest Houston United States

Andres began tattooing in 2009 back in his native Venezuela. In 2010, he moved to the greater Houston area and began his professional career. Over the years, Andres was drawn to realism and surrealism which helped him develop the artistic style that he has now.

It all started in a town called Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Andres started getting tattooed and hanging out at a shop named Inkdustry. His friend, Marco Luzzagni, helped him find his first machine and supplies, and soon after that, he was tattooing at his apartment.

A few months later he met his beautiful wife, Alex, and she got her first tattoo from him. They fell in love so crazy that he sold all his stuff and moved to the states for her. The only thing he could do at that time with his limited English was look into tattooing at a shop.

He worked in a few street shops until he found a job at Body Language in Galveston, owned by a nice lady named Susie Mckamy. During that time he started doing realistic portraits and pieces and focused on learning all he could about the art of tattooing.

In late 2012, he started looking for guest spots at some of the reputable shops in Houston. He found one shop in particular where all the artists did amazing work, and he looked up to all of them. Luckily, Shawn Will contacted him to do a guest spot there, and about a year after that he started working with them at Red Dagger.

Andres is currently working along side some of the best artists in the industry, and he is excited about what the future has in store.
